
Dear Versopolis friends,
temperatures drop after a hot summer and autumn melancholy kicks in, but more poetry festivals await us and may fill us with inspiration and joy.
POETAS starts in a few days in Madrid, followed by Prague Microfestival, an annual festival of the arts, joined by contemporary poetry and fiction in the Czech capital; and later in the month Society of Hungarian Authors takes place in Budapest. Read along and visit in person or online.
Moreover, learn more about the one-week residencies organized by Versopolis in collaboration with Camera Obscura (in Serbian: Mračna Komora) in Novi Sad. The city is this year's European Capital of Culture and the stays take place during Literary Machine, the literary festival in this Serbian city.
Sending you our best,

Madrid, Spain
POETAS is a poetic festival in Madrid that had his first steps 15 years ago in a rather informal way. Throughout its entire run it has been growing and reformulating, becoming a festival of reference in the city of Madrid, always thinking of the artists' most poetic roots. This predetermines the way of programming, seeking the limits of poetry beyond its manifestations on paper or declaimed. According to the POETAS team, poetry is poetry and everything that is not, and edition after edition the aim is to continue exploring new formats, contents and infinite formulas to communicate verses.>> Visit the Website

Prague, Czech RepublicPRAGUE MICROFESTIVAL (PMF) is an annual festival of the arts, combining contemporary writing with art, film, theory & performance.PMF is fully bilingual (CZ and EN), and presents readings by the best authors of contemporary poetry and fiction. Every year, PMF welcomes renowned and underground authors from across the world, staging them alongside film projections, music, performance and visual art, in a rich polylogue of artforms.PMF is not only an arts space; it is a place for people to meet. With growing significance on the European cultural circuit, PMF remains integrated within local Prague culture, as a friendly environment fostering dialogue between international poets and art-producers; and local writers, students, and members of the public. Over the last eleven years, it has launched the careers of numerous talented young writers, translators, and cultural organisers.>> Visit the Website

Budapest, Hungary The Society was established in 1997 to promote contemporary literature and democratic cultural policies. Its almost 400 members include some of the internationally most acclaimed Hungarian writers as well as cultural journalists and cultural managers from across Hungary, and also writers and critics of the Hungarian minorities and diasporas, along with international translators and scholars of Hungarian literature.It organizes readings, conferences, festivals and other cultural events within and beyond the borders of Hungary. It has collaborated with a long list of Hungarian and international organizations.>> Visit the Website

Camera Obscura (in Serbian: Mračna Komora) in collaboration with Versopolis is producing four one-week residencies for emerging poets at Literary Machine Residency in Novi Sad, Serbia in the frame of “Novi Sad - European Capital of Culture”.
Residency in September: 17. – 23.9.2022
Literary Machine Residency in Novi Sad is an apartment located at the very city center of Novi Sad. Literary Machine (sr. Književna mašina) is a week-long literary festival in Novi Sad, focused on the emerging poetry scene in Serbia and Europe, organized by Camera Obscura, in collaboration with the Foundation “Novi Sad - European Capital of Culture” and Versopolis.
The resident is expected to participate in a single collective public reading event at the outset of the Literary Machine, and a conversation on contemporary poetry and one’s own poetics. The resident is also encouraged to show an interest, and partake, in local literary events and other related activities in the frame of Literary Machine and Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture.
Ben Klark, Kornelija Hilmbauer, Mariagiorgia Ulbar & Billy Ramsell

PR: Versopolis