In the coming week, Madrid will host the joint conference of the EU regulatory and supervisory authorities ESAs Consumer Protection Day which aims to strengthen cooperation and ensure cross-sectoral coherence between the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

ESAs CONSUMER PROTECTION DAY – joint conference of the EU regulatory and supervisory authorities in Madrid with the attendance of the VZMD President as member of the Expert Advisory Groups at the European Commission and of the European Securities and Markets Authority

In the coming week, Madrid will host the joint conference of the EU regulatory and supervisory authorities ESAs Consumer Protection Day which aims to strengthen cooperation and ensure cross-sectoral coherence between the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). This important conference will feature three panels covering cross-selling, the regulation of crypto assets in the EU, and greenwashing.

Invited by the organizers, the conference will be attended by the VZMD President, Mr. Kristjan Verbič, as the member of the Advisory Group of the Financial Innovation Standing Committee at ESMA and as the member of the Expert Advisory Group of the Financial Services User Group at the European Commission (FSUG), established to co-design sectoral provisions, procedures, and policies at the EU level. Last week, Mr. Verbič attended the FSUG's meeting, the first one after the important June meeting in Helsinki. At this meeting of the FSUG, the members and representatives of the European Commission addressed the new Consumer Credit Directive, the proposals regarding the Digital Euro, the proposed amendments to the Directive and Regulation on Payment Services, as well as the proposal regarding the Access to Financial Information.

Following the conference and the meetings and after concluding obligations in Madrid, the VZMD President will travel to Vienna to attend the annual meetings of the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users (BETTER FINANCE) and the World Federation of Investors (WFI). At the same time, the Vienna Stock Exchange will host the International investor conference 'Upholding Sustainable & Accessible Capital Markets for European Investors' organized by BETTER FINANCE and the Austrian Investor Association (IVA).